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I like to zoom


Decent experience! Nice aesthetics, sound levels varied quite quickly, a little dull as a game but enjoyable as an artistic experience.


A truly haunting, mysterious, and evocative experience that feels like a nightmare and a myth blended together. The world building reads as both familiar and alien; the environments are strangely claustrophobic yet unbounded. Highly recommended for fans of artistic and experimental gaming experiences.


I loved the game, it's a masterpiece, definetly my new favourite game, the lore, the ambient, everything made the game cryptic and terrifying aswell. 10/10, masterpiece.

Is the game finished and needs no more updates?

Yes, it is. Though some things are tweaked from time to time.


That was the best thing that ever happened to me.

(1 edit) (+4)

encontré este juego gracias al video del youtuber joseju i el juego me ha gustado más de lo que esperaba, todo y que e intentado unir un poco los hilos de que demonios pasa en la historia tengo intriga y espero a que salga ooo_TowerofNoone


Yo tambien vine por joseju y me gusto el juego

I've downloaded the file for Mac, but it's saying it can't be opened.

Hi, you may need to check an option for opening apps from unidentified developers, here's a link on how to do it:

Tell me if it helps!

It's not because it's an unidentified developer. Nothing showed up to allow it. It just can't be opened.


Just uploaded a version for Mac that may solve the problem. Sorry for the headache though, I don't own a Mac and it's hard going around these kind of issues without one.

Oh, definitely! The system requirements are entirely different. I'd struggle with a PC version if I tried. 


Absolutely amazing, it us a really strange game. Quite unnerving. But it is so well made and the graphics are amazing, the ambient and the atmosphere are amazing. The first 10/10 I am giving out on Stunning.


Hi! Im not here to let my review cuz im recently started playing it. IDK if here is the correct place to let a bug report but here it is!

At the begeining, when you first saw these fine line with the first ''others'' (you know what i mean? when the game let you know how to attack), at the final when you fall into a kind of ¿road? A black way with a kind of yellow line, well, I went back (its suposed to go ahead, but I didnt want to let some easter egg or something similar) i attack and sudenly the psychichs bugged and I got a HUGE DASH like ''PIIIUUUUM'' and I scape the map and the ''brrr' sound that return me to the way didnt happen so I was forced to alt f4.

My mother toungue is spanish so if you speak spanish and you preffer to speak in it pls answer me in spanish<3

Hi! Si, te puedo hablar en español! Gracias por detallar el bug, sé donde esta el problema del que hablas. Y perdoname, se me paso responderte en su momento.


Muchas gracias por este juego, lo acabo de terminar, apenas tengo 17 cuando gane mi primer sueldo te depositare una parte de el. Eres un capo Nonoise


Justo hoy empece a jugar este maravilloso juego. Sin duda este juego me cause emocion. creo que nesecitaria una saga... Eres el mejor.. Nonoise.    De: WillingTrx   Para: Nonoise

Muchisimas gracias!! Estoy trabajando en otra parte, es solo que me esta tomando bastante tiempo.


volví a jugarlo y sin duda este juego me causa una emoción muy fuerte es uno de los pocos juegos que me a echo sentir asi gracias por crear este hermoso juego <3

Me alegro mucho de que te sea una experiencia positiva, gracias por compartirlo.


Hello NONOISE Studio, I love it. I wish you shall same success same this game in the next. I will do a playlist about your art:


I don't know whether you are addicted to those abondoned place like me, but I love the atmosphere the game created - the darkness, the silence and yeah the water, the rock, even the typography. Thank you!

I probably am, thank you!


I really love the theme of your game - the abyss, no mention to say the art style!!!


Buen juego


que mamada me acabo de fumar?

esa maravilla no la entiendo 

porque me obligan a matar a la cosa con una esfera pero no a las demas cosas?


thank you for this masterpiece. fucking intense

Deleted 2 years ago

Muchas gracias por tu mensaje ^^ Es muy personal lo que me has dicho y lo agradezco bastante.


This is one of the more unique games I've played. Loved it, really dope atmosphere. The Dark Souls vibes were perfect.


It had me speechless almost the whole time. I abolutely loved the atmosphere the creature found at the end of the tunnel, the battle of the being with the giant hands and blade, I loved it so much. I can't exactly explain what happened and I'm not sure if I can properly process it either, but this might be one of my favorite indie games.

hola, bueno vengo a reportar un error, descargue el juego, pero a la hora de iniciarlo no abre, sale el icono de carga con un signo de interrogacion, eh intentado algunas cosas pero nada..

y cuando deja de cargar solo se cierra sin abrir el jueg

Hola! Qué sistema operativo usas? Has comprobado si has descargado la version correspondiente? Aparte, a veces los antivirus bloquean juegos de unity, has mirado si podria ser eso? También, sabes si te pasa lo mismo con otros juegos hechos en Unity? Perdona si te hago muchas preguntas y siento que te esté dando problemas!

estoy usando windows 10,y estoy usando el antivirus correspondiente de este no me salta ningun mensaje asi que lo desactive pero nada, eh probado otros juegos que usan Unity pero no me han causado problemas, probe tanto la version de x64 y x32, y probe aparte en descargarlo en itch,no se preocupe por las preguntas no me molestan 

lamentablemente, aun sigo teniendo el mismo problema , en verdad lo siento por las molestias, eh oido que es una obra maestra, cuando pueda grabare el error pero nose por donde mandarlo

Seria estupendo si lo grabas, me lo puedes pasar o por aqui si lo subes a youtube o quizás más fácil mandandome un mensaje con el video adjunto a mi cuenta de twitter.

hola tengo el problema de que no me funciona el raton y eso pero no tengo ningun mando conectado ni nada y no se que hacer :c

Hola! Siento no haberte respondido antes, estoy trabajando en una manera de solucionar el bug y puede que tome un tiempo, te avisaré cuando lo consiga y haya subido el juego actualizado.

No te preocupes! muchas gracias me han hablado demasiado bien de este juego ^^

Ya debería estar arreglado y actualizado! Avísame si el problema sigue ahí.


ya funciona muchisimas gracias !!


Se me olvido una cosa! Puede que te salgan las instrucciones para mando en vez de teclado. Si es el caso te paso la lista: 

space->atacar x->Interactuar z->Interactuar en algunos sitios especiales

Eh acualizado el juego aun me ah siguido dando el mismo problema, lo siento en verdad por todas las molestias, eh oido que esta es una obra maestra, y me gustaria probarla por mi mismo, voy a mandar un video del problema correspondiente pero nose por donde mandarlo

Deleted 3 years ago

Hola, primero muchas gracias por la apreciación. Esta pensado para una sola pasada, pero aún así como bien dices es un error, actualicé el juego hace unos días y parece que la funcion de continue ha fallado. Mil perdones que hayas tenido que empezar de cero, lo arreglaré tan pronto como pueda. Gracias por decírmelo!

Deleted 3 years ago

Hey aun no lo he arreglado, te avisaré cuando lo haga! Me va a ser dificil esta semana. De todas formas, muchas gracias otra vez por la preocupación.


Ya esta, arreglado! Aunque como te decia es cortito, en unos 40 minutos se puede acabar.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Contributed $7.06 (6.66). Happy Halloween, everyone! :)


Thank you. Happy Halloween!


Maravillosa experiencia, inmersivo e interesante agradezco a nonoise por realizar este trabajo.Estoy ansioso por la secuela y me pregunto: ¿Cuanto progreso tiene ya la secuela? Espero estar vivo para cuando esté lista! :)


This my favorite indie game since a very long time <3

I really enjoyed what I played of this game, but it did fully crash my pc twice in a row in the same area (after you get out of the water), forcing a hard reset. x64 version, win 10.

Hey, thanks for playing it. Did it crash where it prompts you to jump? Or was it before that when you can listen to a statue?

Deleted 3 years ago

Hello. I am very interested in this work, but found trouble running it on Mac. It simply says that it the program cannot be opened. Could you please forward me some advice to run it? Best regards. 


Hi, sorry for the inconvenience. Did you download the right version (x32 or x64)? Also Mac may identify the game as being from an unidentified developer, in which case you'll have to go to system preferences and allow Mac to open apps from unidentified developers. Apparently there are multiple ways to do it, some more detailed instructions here:

I don't personally own a Mac so it may be hard to pin point what it is.

Thank you for the quick reply. I did download the correct version, so the problem eludes me. I'll try what I can from the Apple support link. Hopefully it works!

Hey no problem, I'm sorry I can't be of much help though. Have you noticed if this happens on other games made with unity, or only this one?

Sad to say, I've only found trouble with this game.

Alright then, I believe it may be because the mac version of the game is a bit old. Sadly updating it will take me a couple of weeks at least. I'll write you a comment here so you get notified when I upload the new version.

Just uploaded a new version for mac that's made with a way more recent version of Unity!


una obra maestra... literalmente es el UNICO juego que me transmitió sensaciones 11/10 

una cosa, quisas puedas sacar una version traducida al español

Muchas gracias!!
La versión en español (y en otros idiomas!) es algo que quiero trabajar de hace mucho pero es un tema bastante complejo por la manera en la que funciona el texto en el juego (aquí un poco, pero donde es especialmente problemático es en la secuela que estoy desarrollando). Así que ahora mismo no sabría decir cuando podría sacar una versión en español.

Hola, he querido probar tu juego pero me han surgido un problema, lo que pasa es que cuando quiero entrar al juego llega hasta la pantalla de inicio y no carga, cuando logra cargar se queda en morado y no se ejecuta; y por cierto he visto que el juego tiene una pinta muy silent hill y puedo decir que se ve de maravilla ;D.


Hey, lo de que se queda en morado puede ser que uno de los efectos de pantalla da error, podrías pasarme lo que dice el PlayerLog? Esta en "C:\Users\Name\AppData\LocalLow\Nonoise\0_abyssalSomewhere". El problema puede que sea complejo, si prefieres puedes pasarmelo por otro sitio donde haya chat (tienes twitter? soy @_nonoise)

No funciona el mouse, ayuda, quiero jugar a este juego muy fuerte, simplemente no hace nada y no puedo abrir la puerta, el A es para ir a la izquierda.

Hey, suena a que quizás esté detectando un mando, tienes algún mando conectado o sino algun software que cree un controller virtual (como vJoy)?


Something made me think about this game just recently, so I picked it up and reminded myself of how much I love it. I really can't put the experience into words - i feel like i can taste the musty air, smell the rotten iron, and feel the pain of all the imprisoned beings. Every time I play it something makes me jump or recoil, but the overall texture is so soothing and melancholy and lonely. I'll be waiting for the sequel with baited breath.

It was fun to notice that a few things here and there had been updated, but i also came across a few odd things that I figured I should mention:

-I've had a distressing audio bug multiple times where the sound of the knight's footfalls just cuts out completely. It occasionally happens as soon as you gain control, and very reliably happens if you draw your sword. No other sounds are affected, and transitioning to a new area seems to fix it.

-The delay between sword swings feels waaaaaaay longer than it used to be. Maybe this is a design choice, but it makes combat feel clunkier because you can't smoothly slide between attacks the way you could before. It also looks weird, since there's a stretch of time where the knight isn't visibly recoiling but nevertheless refuses to strike.

-Is the second hand in the rain sequence meant to not attack you? It just sits there now. Staring. As much as hands can stare, I suppose. (Also, I noticed you can't see the hands' bodies anymore, which is a shame imo.)

-The control prompts don't respond correctly to whether you're using a mouse or a controller. For example, the one at the end of the boss fight says "right trigger to slash through" even on keyboard, and on controller some of the interact prompts still say "x".

Thanks a lot Hepto, I remember you tweeting about it the first time you played. I have indeed changed a couple of things over time, so some bugs are in order ha. The sound thing I've know about for a while, next time I update the game I'll solve it. I didn't know the underwater bodies had disappeared though, that's a bug alright, same for controller prompts. Lastly, yeah the attack animation has changed a lot and is slower too, I'll try to improve it on the responsivness side though. Anyway, thanks for all the notes! Really appreciate the thouroughness.

I can't Download it because it says "Error in the download"... D: Help ! 

(1 edit)

I made some changes and I believe it should work, tell me if it's ok now!

(1 edit)

Hi! I found a bug where u get stuck and cant move on the colums of the desert,when you go in the opposite direction to where the camera leaves.(sorry for not know the name), and then had to reestart the game. Anyways, what a nice game

I'll check it out, I think I may have some clue which area you mean. Thanks!

I want to download the game, but the download does not start!


Hey hi! I'm not sure I can help you since it seems to be something related to the way works. I've searched the forums for people with similar problems and found this post with all the possible solutions I've come across, I hope it helps. Also, seems like proxies could casue problems too, and some people have to overcome the problem using a VPN.

Thanks!! I'll try with that, I really want to play your game.

hey, idk why but when i start the game, even though i can move i can´t move the camera or interact with anything. Is it just me or do i have fucked up something installing the game? how can i fix this? I want to play so badly.


Hey, sounds like you may have a controller plugged in (or maybe some software like motioninJoy active?). Sorry and tell me if it persists!


yep, i had a controller conected, sorry. The game worked perfectly, and was amazing. Thanks for the help

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